Research and Innovation Management

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Publications in high-impact journals

Fellnhofer, K. (2018): Toward a Taxonomy of Entrepreneurship Education Research Literature: A Bibliometric Mapping and Visualization Educational Research Review, (in press).

Fellnhofer, K. (2018): Narratives boost entrepreneurial attitudes: Making an entrepreneurial career attractive, European Journal of Education, (in press). (Open Access article)

Arminen, H.; Puumalainen, K.; Pätäri, S.; Fellnhofer, K. (2018): Corporate social performance: inter-industry and international differences, Journal of Cleaner Production, 177, 426-437.

Fellnhofer, K. (2017): Drivers of innovation success in sustainable businesses, Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 1534-1545.

List of peer-reviewed publications

Fellnhofer, K. (2018): Entrepreneurially oriented employees and firm performance: Mediating effects, Management Research Review (in press).

Fellnhofer, K. (2018): The Complementary Effects of Firm’s and Team Leader’s Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovation Success and Performance, International Journal of Innovation Management, 1950043.

Fellnhofer, K.; Müller, S. (2018): I want to be like you!: The influence of role models on entrepreneurial intention, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 26(2), 113-153.

Fellnhofer, K. (2018): Visualized Bibliometric Mapping on Smart Specialisation: A Co-Citation Analysis, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 9(1), 76-99. (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer, K.; Pree, W. (2018): Let’s generate ideas – A review of web-based crowd sourcing tools for the basis of entrepreneurship, Journal International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 11(2), 96-117.

Fellnhofer, K. (2018): Game-based entrepreneurship education: Impact on attitudes, behaviours and intentions, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 14(1/2), 205-228. DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2018.10009001 (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer, K. (2017): The Power of Passion in Entrepreneurship Education: Is the Passion of Entrepreneurial Role Models Contagious?, Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 20(1), 69-98. (Open Access Paper)

Fellnhofer, K. (2017): Entrepreneurship education revisited – perceived entrepreneurial role models increase perceived behavioral control, International Journal of Learning and Change, 9(3), 260-283. (Open Access Paper)

Kuntuu, A./Kaisu Puumalainen, K./Fellnhofer, K. (2017): Drivers of entrepreneurial intentions in sustainable entrepreneurship, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(2), 359-381.

Fellnhofer K. (2017): Evidence revisited: Literature on smart specialisation calls for more mixed research designs, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 8(3), 229-248. (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer K. (2017): Financing entrepreneurship by risk capital – evidence revisited, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 10(2), 173-188. (Accepted Manuscript)

Kuntuu, A./Kaisu Puumalainen, K./Fellnhofer, K. (2017): Socially-oriented entrepreneurial goals and intentions – the role of values and knowledge, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 10(4), 337-361.

Fellnhofer K. (2017): A framework for a teaching toolkit in entrepreneurship education, International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, 27(3), 246-261. (Accepted Manuscript – Open Access Paper)

Fellnhofer K. (2017): Facilitating entrepreneurial discovery in smart specialisation via stakeholder participation within online mechanisms for knowledge-based policy advice, Cogent Business & Management, 4(1), 1296802. (Open Access Paper)

Fellnhofer K./Kaisu Puumalainen (2017): Can role models boost entrepreneurial attitudes, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 21(3), 274-290. (Open Access Article)

Fellnhofer K. (2016): The organizational pervasiveness of entrepreneurial orientation across hierarchical levels, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 17(4), 217-227. DOI: (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer, K./Puumalainen, K./Sjögrén, H. (2016): Entrepreneurial orientation and performance – are sexes equal?, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22(3), 346-374. DOI: (Accepted Manuscript)

Bouncken, R.B./Lehmann, C./Fellnhofer, K. (2016): The role of entrepreneurial orientation and modularity for business model innovation in service companies, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 8(3), 237-260. DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2016.078973 (Accepted Manuscript)

Kylaheiko, K./Puumalainen, K./Sjögrén, H./Syrjä, P./Fellnhofer, K. (2016): Strategic planning and firm performance: A comparison across countries and sectors, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 8(3), 280 – 295. DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2016.10000295 (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer, K. (2016): All-in-One: Impact study of an online math game for educational purposes, International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 8(1), 59-76. DOI: 10.1504/IJTEL.2016.075953 (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer, K./Puumalainen, K./Sjögrén, H. (2017): Entrepreneurial orientation in work groups – effects of individuals and group characteristics, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 13(2), 427-463.. DOI: 10.1007/s11365-016-0408-5 (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer, K. (2015): Literature review: Investment readiness level of small and medium sized companies, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, 7(3/4), 268-284. DOI:

Fellnhofer, K. (2015): Changing entrepreneurial intention and behaviour: A digital game-based learning environment dedicated to entrepreneurship education, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 8(4), 378-404. DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2015.072938 (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer, K./Kraus, S. (2015): Examining attitudes towards entrepreneurship education: A comparative analysis between experts, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 7(4), 396-411. DOI: (Accepted Manuscript)

Höld, E./Möseneder, J./Fellnhofer, K. (2015): NutriDuo und NutriMove: Ernährungswissen spielerisch, Journal für Ernährungsmedizin, 16(4), 14-16.

Thiele, P./Fellnhofer, K. (2015): The impact of pre-startup planning on the strength of planning assumptions & the mode of processing, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 7(2), 173-193. DOI:

Fellnhofer, K. (2015): Unternehmerische Bewusstseinsbildung und -förderung durch game-based learning als Instrument der Entrepreneurship Education: Eine Fallstudie, Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 63(1), 25-46. DOI: 10.3790/zfke.63.1.25

Fellnhofer, K./Kraus, S./Bouncken, R.B. (2014): The current state of research on sustainable entrepreneurship, International Journal of Business Research, 14(3), 163-172. DOI: (Accepted Manuscript)

Fellnhofer, K./Thiele, P. (2014): Private-Equity für den Mittelstand- Attraktivitätsfaktoren der Investoren für die Partnerschaft auf Zeit als Expansion in den Osten, Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 62(3), 217-247. DOI: 10.3790/zfke.62.3.217

Invited presentations and conference talks

Fellnhofer, K.; Komninos, N.; Kakderi, C.; Panori A. 2018. Online mechanisms for smart specialisation facilitate the entrepreneurial discovery process, Academy of Management Specialized Conference: From Start-up to Scale-up Strategies: Coping with Organizational Challenges in a Volatile Business Environment, Tel Aviv, Israel, 17/12/2018–19/12/2018

Fellnhofer, K. 2018. Moderating the panel entitled Technological Innovation in Finance highlighting the key challenges facing investors in the future, Mergermarket, Zurich, Switzerland, 20/11/2018. (Event details)

Fellnhofer, K. 2018. Responsible Research and Innovation with and for Society, Catalysts: Society’s Chrysalis. Keynote speaker at the EmTech Europe, Toulouse, France, 01/10/2018–03/10/2018. (Event details)

Roman, M., Mutanen, O., Fellnhofer, K. 2018. Mechanism to involve “fourth helix” in smart specialisation strategy development: The case of Finnish regions, SMARTER Conference on Smart Specialisation and Territorial Development, Sevilla, Spain, 26/09/2018–28/09/2018. (Open Access Paper)

Roman, M., Nyberg, T., Fellnhofer, K. 2018. Smart specialisation in Finnish regions: How to facilitate continuous entrepreneurial discovery process, 27th International Association for Management of Technology, Birmingham, UK, 22/04/2018–26/04/2018. (Open Access Paper)

Kakderi, C., Psaltoglou, A., Fellnhofer, K. (2018). Digital platforms and online applications for user engagement and collaborative innovation. 20th Scientific Conference, Association of Greek Regional Scientists, Athens, Greece, 22/06/2018–23/06/2018. (Open Access Paper)

Panori, A., Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Fellnhofer, K. (2017). Smart specialisation strategies: An online platform for strategy design and assessment. 17th Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication Conference. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Riga, Latvia, 18/10/2017–21/10/2017. (Open Access Paper)

Fellnhofer, K. 2017. Entrepreneurship education via games. Keynote speaker at the FROG, Vienna Games Conference, Vienna City Hall, Austria, 13/10/2017–15/10/2017.

Fellnhofer, K. 2017. Open consultation toward knowledge-based methods for smart specialisation: evidence from Slovakia and Slovenia. 10th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and regional Development (ICEIRD), Thessaloniki, Greece, 31/08/2017–03/09/2017.

Fellnhofer, K. 2017. Get a EU Grant to support your ideas! Speaker at a panel discussion – Innovative Enterprise Malta 2017, Access to Finance for Research, Innovation and SMEs 2017, Malta, 31/05/2017–02/06/2017.

Fellnhofer, K., Puumalainen, K. 2017. Can role models boost entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions? ACERE – Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Queensland, Australia, 07/02/2017–10/02/2017.

Fellnhofer, K., Puumalainen, K. 2016. A multimedia toolkit for entrepreneurship education: harnessing the power of storytelling, 15th International Entrepreneurship Forum – IEF Conference, Venice, Italy, 14/12/2016­–16/12/2016.

Fellnhofer, K., Puumalainen, K. 2016. Entrepreneurship Education Revised: Merging a Theory- Based and Action-Based Framework for Entrepreneurial Narratives’ Impact as an Awareness-Raising Teaching Tool, ICIE 2016 – 18th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Venice, Italy, 11/04/2016–12/04/2016.

Kunttu, A., Fellnhofer, K. 2015. Entrepreneurial Opportunity Templates of Young Adults—Differences in Individual Characteristics and Work Values, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, University of Nordland Business School, BODØ Norway, 08/06/2016–11/06/2016.

Kunttu, A., Fellnhofer, K. 2015. How work values shape intentions, 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise – Building a scientific, Helsinki, 29/06/2015–03/07/2015.

Fellnhofer, K. 2014. Early Development of Entrepreneurial Qualities with Game–Based–Learning. – Ein game-based-learning Spiel im Bauernhofsetting als adäquates Instrument für die frühzeitige unternehmerische Bewusstseinsbildung und -förderung, 18. Interdisziplinäre Entrepreneurship Jahreskonferenz (G–Forum 2014), Oldenburg, Germany, 13/11/2014–14/11-2014.

Research Portal at the Lappeenranta University of Technology

Erasmus+ mobility activities for transferring knowledge

2013 – Training ‘EU research, innovation and education projects: a practical toolkit for all’ Host

2013 – Job Shadowing of Associate Professor Car-Axel Engdahl at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology Host

2014 – Visit of the Volkshochschule des Landkreises Freyung-Grafenau Host

2014 – Job Shadowing of Ass. Prof. Veronika Solteszova at the Department of Informatics, the University of Bergen Host – For details please visit FLYER

2015 – Job Shadowing of Prof. Kaisu Puumalainen and Ass. Prof. Helena Sjögrén at the Lappeenranta University of Technology Host – For details please visit FLYER

2016 – Job Shadowing of Vida Perko at the Academia Host – For details please visit FLYER

2017 – Jobshadowing of Prof. Burger-Helmchen at the University of Strassbourg (2019) and speaker at the EmTech EuropeHere are some photos

2018 – Structured Courses for Digitalization and Entrepreneurship meeting Emotions for Leadership Train-the-Trainer in Palermo, ICT skills for Educators in Barcelona, Train-the-Trainer in Palermo 2


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